1 acusar
v.1 to accuse.2 to show.4 to press charges, to accuse, to prefer charges, to make an accusation.5 to manifest, to show.* * *\* * *verbto accuse, charge* * *1. VT1) (=culpar) to accuse2) (Jur) (=incriminar) charge3) (=mostrar)4) (=registrar) to pick up, registereste sismógrafo acusa la menor vibración — this seismometer picks up o registers the least vibration
5) (Correos)2.See:ACUSAR ► Traducimos acusar (de) por accuse (of) en la mayoría de los casos: Me acusó de haber mentido He accused me of lying ¿De qué me estás acusando? What are you accusing me of? ► Traducimos acusar (de) por charge (with) cuando se trata de una acusación formal que llevará a la celebración de un juicio: No lo han acusado de ninguno de los cargos He hasn't been charged with anything Hasta ahora, la policía lo ha acusado solamente de uno de los asesinatos So far, the police have only charged him with one of the murders El verbo indict tiene un significado parecido a charge, pero solo se usa en contextos legales muy especializados. Para otros usos y ejemplos ver la entrada* * *1.verbo transitivo1)a) ( culpar) to accuseb) (Der)c) (fam) ( delatar) to tell on (colloq)lo acusó a or con la maestra — she went to the teacher and told on him (colloq)
2)a) (mostrar, revelar) to show signs ofb) ( advertir) to pick up, register3) ( reconocer)2.acusar recibo de algo — (Corresp) to acknowledge receipt of something
* * *1.verbo transitivo1)a) ( culpar) to accuseb) (Der)c) (fam) ( delatar) to tell on (colloq)lo acusó a or con la maestra — she went to the teacher and told on him (colloq)
2)a) (mostrar, revelar) to show signs ofb) ( advertir) to pick up, register3) ( reconocer)2.acusar recibo de algo — (Corresp) to acknowledge receipt of something
* * *acusar11 = accuse, make + accusation, charge, litigate, face + charges, arraign, indict, denounce, recreminate, reprove, reproach, single out, single out for + criticism, point + (a/the) finger(s) at.Ex: He accused her of lying when they said she was at the movies when she had called in sick.
Ex: From time to time the accusation is made that libraries are run for the convenience of the staff.Ex: In June '90, DIALOG Information services filed an antitrust suit against the American Chemical Society (ACS) charging that the Society had damaged the company.Ex: The resources provided are to assist the personal injury attorneys litigating medical malpractice claims.Ex: This article consider some hypothetical situations in which information providers might face charges of negligence.Ex: 25.5 percent of the 247 juveniles arraigned in 3 months alone in 1989 had handicapping conditions.Ex: Another problem with the statistical analysis used to indict this and similar schools was the sample.Ex: Some of the rules were imposed on Panizzi by the Trustees of the British Museum, and Panizzi could only join his critics in denouncing those rules, such as the rules for entry of anonymous publications.Ex: Samuel Taylor Coleridge wrote: 'Experience informs us that the first defense of weak minds is to recriminate'.Ex: The person reproving his friend must understand that before he can reprove someone else, he must first reprove himself.Ex: The Governor, it is learnt, sternly reproached the party for putting the public to inconvenience for the last two days.Ex: Conference proceedings are singled out for special attention because they are an important category of material in relation to abstracting and indexing publications.Ex: Though what exactly constitutes moral decay is debatable, one group traditionally has been singled out for criticism, namely young people.* acusar a Alguien = confront + Alguien + with accusation.* acusar de = lambast [lambaste], make + Nombre + out to be.* ser acusado de delito criminal = face + criminal charge.acusar22 = reveal, show.Ex: A study of the major general schemes reveals a wide gulf between theory, as outlined in the previous chapter, and practice, as reflected in the major schemes.
* * *acusar [A1 ]vtA¿me estás acusando a mí? are you accusing me?me acusan de haber faltado a mi palabra they accuse me of breaking my word, they say I didn't keep my wordestá detenido acusado de espionaje he is being held on charges of spying o he is charged with spying3 ( fam)(delatar): lo acusó a or con la maestra she went to the teacher and told on him ( colloq), she snitched to the teacher ( AmE colloq)B (mostrar, revelar) to show signs ofC■ acusarse* * *
acusar ( conjugate acusar) verbo transitivo
acusar a algn de algo to accuse sb of sth;
b) (Der) acusar a algn de algo to charge sb with sth
2 ( reconocer):
acusar verbo transitivo
1 to accuse [de, of]
Jur to charge [de, with]
2 (sentir los efectos de un golpe, una sustancia, una ausencia, etc) to feel: la niña acusó el cansancio del viaje, the tiring journey was beginning to affect the child
3 (mostrar, denunciar) to show: su rostro acusaba su crueldad, his face showed his cruelty
4 Com acusar recibo, to acknowledge receipt [de, of]
' acusar' also found in these entries:
- recibo
- tachar
- delatar
- incriminar
- acknowledge
- charge
- denounce
- indict
- publicity
- receipt
- impeach
- level
- tell
* * *♦ vt1. [culpar] to accuse;3. [mostrar, resentirse de]la bolsa ha acusado el golpe de las declaraciones del ministro the stock exchange has registered the effects of the minister's statement4. [recibo] to acknowledge;* * *v/t1 accuse (de of)4:* * *acusar vt1) : to accuse, to charge2) : to reveal, to betraysus ojos acusaban la desconfianza: his eyes revealed distrust* * *Si la policía te acusa oficialmente, el verbo es charge -
2 acuse
m.acknowledgment, acknowledgement.pres.subj.* * ** * *SM* * *----* * ** acuse de recibo = acknowledgement of receipt.* * *
Del verbo acusar: ( conjugate acusar)
acusé es:
1ª persona singular (yo) pretérito indicativo
acuse es:
1ª persona singular (yo) presente subjuntivo3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente subjuntivo3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) imperativo
Multiple Entries:
acusar ( conjugate acusar) verbo transitivo
acuse a algn de algo to accuse sb of sth;
b) (Der) acuse a algn de algo to charge sb with sth
2 ( reconocer):
acusar verbo transitivo
1 to accuse [de, of]
Jur to charge [de, with]
2 (sentir los efectos de un golpe, una sustancia, una ausencia, etc) to feel: la niña acusó el cansancio del viaje, the tiring journey was beginning to affect the child
3 (mostrar, denunciar) to show: su rostro acusaba su crueldad, his face showed his cruelty
4 Com acusar recibo, to acknowledge receipt [de, of]
acuse sustantivo masculino acuse de recibo, acknowledgment of receipt
' acuse' also found in these entries:
- return receipt
* * *acuse nmacuse de recibo acknowledgement of receipt; [nota] acknowledgement slip; Informát acknowledgement* * *m:* * *acuse nm -
3 acusado
adj.accused, defendant.f. & m.accused, defendant, individual accused of an alleged violation or infringement of the law, prisoner.past part.* * *► adjetivo1 accused► nombre masculino,nombre femenino1 accused, defendant* * *1. (f. - acusada)noun2. (f. - acusada)adj.marked, pronounced* * *acusado, -a1. ADJ1) (Jur) accused2) (=marcado) [gen] marked, pronounced; [acento] strong; [contraste] marked, striking; [característica, rasgo, personalidad] strong; [color] deep2.SM / F accused, defendant* * *I- da adjetivoa) < persona>las personas acusadas de... — the people accused of...
b) < tendencia> marked, pronounced; <semejanza/contraste> marked, strikingIIun acusado sentido del humor/olfato — a sharp o an acute sense of humor/smell
el acusado — the accused, the defendant
los acusados — the accused, the defendants
* * *I- da adjetivoa) < persona>las personas acusadas de... — the people accused of...
b) < tendencia> marked, pronounced; <semejanza/contraste> marked, strikingIIun acusado sentido del humor/olfato — a sharp o an acute sense of humor/smell
el acusado — the accused, the defendant
los acusados — the accused, the defendants
* * *acusado11 = accused, defendant.Ex: In both areas, a much higher proportion of men than women were both accusers & accused.
* acusado de = on charges of.acusado22 = pronounced, steep [steeper -comp., steepest -sup.], marked.Ex: Nobody can predict exactly what will happen in the next decade but we can be sure that the impact of the computer will become ever more pronounced.
Ex: The graph of the growth of the subject shows an initial flat, a steep climb, a small flat, and a rapid decline.Ex: It hardly needs to be said that the microcomputer is now a fact of life, but its impact upon the world of information retrieval and libraries generally has been less marked than in many other areas.* aumento acusado = sharp increase.* subida acusada = sharp rise.* * *‹tendencia› marked, pronounced; ‹semejanza/contraste› marked, striking, strongmasculine, feminine* * *
Del verbo acusar: ( conjugate acusar)
acusado es:
el participio
Multiple Entries:
acusar ( conjugate acusar) verbo transitivo
acusado a algn de algo to accuse sb of sth;
b) (Der) acusado a algn de algo to charge sb with sth
2 ( reconocer):
I sustantivo masculino y femenino accused, defendant
II adj (notable) marked, noticeable: tiene un acusado sentido de la disciplina, she's got a noticeable disciplinary streak running through her
acusar verbo transitivo
1 to accuse [de, of]
Jur to charge [de, with]
2 (sentir los efectos de un golpe, una sustancia, una ausencia, etc) to feel: la niña acusó el cansancio del viaje, the tiring journey was beginning to affect the child
3 (mostrar, denunciar) to show: su rostro acusaba su crueldad, his face showed his cruelty
4 Com acusar recibo, to acknowledge receipt [de, of]
' acusado' also found in these entries:
- dolo
- estrado
- reo
- requerir
- reservarse
- absolver
- interrogar
- interrogatorio
- juzgar
- bar
- blackmail
- charge
- cross-examine
- defendant
- find
- frame
- wrongly
- acknowledgment
- bailiff
- marked
- prisoner
* * *acusado, -a♦ adj[marcado] marked, distinct;♦ nm,f[procesado]* * *I adj figmarked, pronounced* * *: prominent, marked: defendant* * *
См. также в других словарях:
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